Wednesday, June 10, 2009

My Munnys (by Ethan)

These are my Munnys, Mario & Sonic! Sonic took me 2-weeks to make, but Mario took me one day. It took a lot of Effort to make them, and alot of paint and Clay. They started off as Plain, ordinary Munnys, but I made them perfect. I hope you like them!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Shannon Miller

Lena,Ethan, Virginia, my mom, and I went to see Shannon Miller, a 2-Time Olympian and Gold Medalist. We got her autograph and took some pictures. It was very exciting to meet an Olympic Star. With 59 Medals (7 of which from the Olympics), she has the most Medals of any gymnast. We were hoping to see her do some gymnastics, however, she is now retired, and it would take a long time to Warm-Up. she even has a move named after her, the "Miller".

We saw her at Mckinley Park, where we are currently taking Gymnastics. I also wanted to say thanks to my dad, who drove us there and stayed in the Car with my little brothers, Rey & Ronald, so that my mom could go in with us.


Monday, October 20, 2008

My Nana

My Nana, Sara Fuentes, is in the hospital. I miss her very much. I hope she can come home soon. She helps us alot because she is like a teacher to me and my sister Lena. She teaches us many things in school. She also takes us to Gymnastics class each week as well. Please keep her in prayer. Thank You!


A Day at the American Girl Place!

The New American Girl Place was opening in the Water tower Place, in Chicago. My Library was able to pick 2-Girls to come, and they picked me and my cousin, Desirae. We were soooooo happy because we are very close and do everything together. On October 3rd, Desirae, Ms. Amy (the Librarian who picked us), and I went to the American Girl Place. It was HUGE. There was music, food, dolls, and lots of people. Only the girls from the Branches of the Chicago Public Library got a goody bag, and we got to receive a FREE AMERICAN GIRL DOLL!! I picked Mia, the Doll of the Year, and Desirae picked Julie. Ms. Amy also bought me Mia's Skates and Desirae a pair of shoes for Julie. Since my two sisters, Virginia & Lena, as well as my cousin Danayla (Desirae's Sister), weren't able to come, Ms. Amy got them all something from the store, and they were happy. Desirae and I had lots of fun that day!

Monday, September 29, 2008

And now a word from our sponsers.....

This is William, oldest of the Dyckman children, and Owner of (Yes, that new world traveler Blog....) We will be bringing this blog back and will be keeping it up to date as much as possible.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Cool Hand Painting!!

Our Grandma sent us an Email with a number of very nice pictures of people's hands that have been painted to resemble different animals. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did. :)

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Hello, my name is Ethan Clay Dyckman. I am 8 years old. When I get older, I want to make a Video Game or write a Book. My favorite Video game character is Sonic the Hedgehog. I also really like to draw and sculpt with clay.
I have great news from the Dyckman Home---My mother is expecting a baby! So now there is going to be 9 of us. I am gonna feel good about the new baby. I like being a part of a big family because they are good friends!